Birdwing To Learn What an Hour Feels Like. In Other Words It Has Everything
deconstructed pop
released April 4, 2024
Written, Produced & Performed by Mike Dvorscak
with help from;
Stella Emmett
Featured artist (9) Vocals (1, 4, 6, 9); Executive Producer
Evan Marré
Featured artist (8) Synthesizer (8, 10) Vocals (6, 11) Add’l Mixing (1, 2, 3); Patient Listener
Josh Marré
Add’l Arrangement (7); Tracklist Guru
Listen / buy:
Apple Music
April 4th 2024

Stella Emmett Teeth
The track produced by Stella Emmett & myself. Stella created the rough chord progression but wanted a UK garage / drum n bass feel so I added those elements and we finished the production together. Mixed & mastered by me.
We wanted to do something simple & fun for the video, so we had the idea of Stella lip-syncing to the track but then playing back the video on a piece of retro-tech and settled on the lavender Sony PSP I recently restored. Filmed on iPhone 13 Pro, converted to PSP format by me.
Behind the scenes photos by me.
Apple Music
April 29th 2022

Sony PSP 2000 “Lavender Purple”, 2007
Relatively simple repair on this one. The battery was dead on purchase, and after a replacement battery and installing custom firmware, it sprang back to life.
The largest issue was the disgusting condition the PSP was in. Photos were taken halfway through the cleaning process and some grime is still visable.
Featured in a music video project for Stella Emmett, here.
Photos & edits by me.
April 2022

Russel The Leaf You Blocked the Light For Me
Full-length album by prolific singer-songwriter Russel the Leaf, the moniker of Evan M. Marré, of Troy, NY.
Evan produced & recorded the album in full on four-track cassette, in mono. Evan & I mixed the project fully analog and then I mastered the project digitially. This is the first project I have ever worked on fully in mono and I am extremely satisfied with the results.
Apple Music
April 25th 2022

Stella Emmett Teeth
Shot on Canon Powershot TX-1 w/ custom firmware (CHDK) to shoot .DNG files. Edited in Lightroom.
Stella was looking to re-brand her socials & artist profiles on Spotify, Apple Music & YouTube in anticipation of her new single “Teeth.” Inspired by 2000’s magazine covers & 2010’s indie blogs.
April 2022